Below are several papers and articles written by Tagsense personnel


Fletcher, R., Cook, J.; “Measurement of High-Tc Superconductor Surface Impedance as a Function of Temperature Using a Dielectric Resonator Technique,” Review Of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 65, No. 8, Aug1994. Download

Fletcher, R., Levitan, J., Rosenberg, J., Gershenfeld, N.; “Applications of Smart Materials to ID Tags and Remote Sensing,” Proceedings of Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 1996, vol 360. Download

Fletcher, R., Gershenfeld, N.; “Materials-Based Approach for Low-Cost Electromagnetic Tagging,” Auto-ID Conference, 1997.Download

Fletcher, R., Omojola, O., Boyden, E.; Reconfigurable Agile Tag Reader Technologies with Combined EAS and RFID Capabilities, 2nd IEEE Conference on Automatic Identification Technologies, 1999.Download

Fletcher, R. Gershenfeld,N.; “Remotely Interrogated Temperature Sensors Using Magnetic Materials,” Proceedings of IEEE International Magnetic Materials Conference, 2000.Download

Post, R., Maguire, Y., Omojola, O., Strachman J.P., Fletcher R.; “An Installation of Interactive Furniture,” IBM Systems Journal, Vol 39 No 3&4, 2000.Download

Fletcher, R., Omojola, O., Boyden, E.; “The Design of Agile RFID Tags as a Catalyst for RFID Standardization”, 3nd IEEE Conference on Automatic Identification Technologies, March 2002.Download

Fletcher, R., Omojola, O., Gray, S.; “Application of RFID to Remote Sensors and Wireless Data Peripherals”, 3nd IEEE Conference on Automatic Identification Technologies, March 2002.Download

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